So this is a good place to pick up writing the blog again. I am now a stay ON the beach mom. Being back in toddlerland means my number 1 job is keeping the little man from being swept out to sea as he has no fear of the ocean and loves just crawling face first into waves.
More than 1 kindly Tutu has intercepted this determined Honu on his return to the ocean as his good- for-nothing mother ambles her way down the beach. So while I'm on the beach, here's what's happening in the water.
Hannah (right), Ella (center) with Dad. |
This is my 8 year old catching her own waves and loving it! She and Dad have been making weekly trips. Then the best thing that could possibly happen to my social butterfly girl:
She found some surfing soul mates! These three little girls played in the waves and surfed all afternoon.
They spotted turtles, played in the shallow water and even managed to catch "party waves" together. I wasn't able to get pictures of the three of them out in the water as the little man decided to take a nap in my arms at that point.
The Teeny Wahines calling it a day.
Ella scored the first surf session with Dad this morning but was done before I arrived with the camera. Next time!
Boy talk, most likely about surfing knowing these two.
One cool thing about Sunday afternoons at Waikiki is all the free stuff you get. So far I've scored an inner tube, a beach umbrella, shell necklace (well someone gave it to Ella) and the latest InStyle magazine. The key is to make eye contact with that sad looking tourist who has to board a plane tonight leaving paradise and just can't justify packing a huge florescent floaty for Chicago.