Sunday, December 30, 2012


I love swimming. Its my favorite (we're been watching a lot of "Elf" over here, our Christmas    movie of choice). Unfortunately I haven't made it into the water a lot this fall and its really making me fidgety.  I only need 10 minutes to reset myself and shake off a funky mood but sometimes its hard to even make those 10 minutes happen.  Yesterday however I got an hour. A whole glorious, solitary hour in the beautiful Pacific Ocean and it was amazing.  All the holiday stress, sick kid stress and crazy trip planning stress dumped into the ocean and washed away with the waves.  I had originally hoped to convince a couple of my Mama friends to join me but when they couldn't make it it turned out okay as it gave me the time alone to complete whole thoughts, create plans  and just get into the flow of my swim.  The beach was oddly empty for such a sunny, calm morning but as I left more cars arrived and I was grateful for my stolen tranquility and felt fully charged to return to the blessed chaos I adore.