Its Mommy's turn! As mentioned in my profile I'm a wanna be triathlete and I have one coming up next weekend so I figured it might be a good idea to do some training. Luckily my favorite swim/bike training Mom Kelly is back in town and healthy so we met up early Friday morning to get a bike ride in. Her husband is a surfer too which means we have the same schedule for
Daddycare availability- when there are no waves! We're a great match in the water but she is a much better and more experienced biker so I'm learning tons. We had a great ride and I even let go of the brakes on some of the descents! After our rides we usually meet up with our husbands and trade the little people off but this morning I got a double pass and headed to the beach.
playdate #2! I haven't been to
Kailua Beach in a while due to all the
Portuguese Man of Wars, the winds are strong right now and that usually brings them in in droves, but I was hopeful. I met Catherine and Kristy, two Mommy friends there and the three of us hit the water while their kids played on the beach under the watchful eye of a Dad. Since it was choppy, we walked down the beach so they wouldn't have to swim against the chop. We swam the distance from one buoy to another, I decided to swim out to the buoy line to get some extra mileage in before Jason showed up with my girls. It was tough going but so nice to be out in the water!
That's when they got me! I was rounding a buoy when my throat began to sting, I tried to pull it off me, fearing the stingers were wrapped around my neck when I saw the offending Man of War directly in front of me. I lifted my head to make sure I wasn't going to swim into it again when suddenly both of my legs began to burn. It started at my thighs and rapidly spread down to my ankles. I must have swum through a patch of them and just wanted to get out of there! I sprinted to shore and think the
adrenalin burst helped lessen the pain. I've been stung a few times this summer and while this was the most stings I've received at one time it
definitely wasn't the most painful. I accepted defeat and headed to the shower to rinse off any residual stingers but did enjoy hanging on the beach and catching up with my Mommy friends.
#3 In preparation for the Na
Wahine a local triathlon shop offered a guided ride of the bike portion this afternoon. I waffled whether or not to go since I do already know the course and the area and but I'm so glad I did, I learned a ton. I was fortunate enough to get to ride with Michelle, who was there to offer her expertise and experience for the newbies and us wannabes. She had some technical, practical and even fashion advice for my race, it was very helpful.
I have enjoyed my long weekend of playdates (even a Mom's Night Out/Book Club on Saturday) but now its back to the grind. Hannah has decided she's ready for a North Shore Surf lesson so I need to schedule that, time to get back to my primary job which I love, Beach Mom.
This is an older post but due to technical difficulties, which almost sent the Mac through the lanai window in frustration, it is being posted now.