Yesterday was a difficult homeschooling day, I was starting to wonder why I was attempting it at all. I found my answer this morning, a beautiful Tuesday morning family swim/paddle to Flat Island. Jason had prepared breakfast to go so we loaded up the kayak and the girls and headed to Kailua Beach. I had a wonderful swim, starting behind the market out to Flat Island and back with Daddy and the girls escorting in the kayak. The beginning of the swim was a little distracting as Ella yelled,"Mama!! Uppy, uppy!" However Dad settled her down and she spent the rest of the ride sighting sharks, turtles and coral in every ripple on the water. Its been such a long time since I've got to do this swim and it was beautiful. When we got back Daddy and Hannah decided to swim out to the buoy.

Since she has absolutely no body fat baby sister gets chilly quick so we decided to warm up by playing in the sand.

This morning instead of trying to get a cranky Kindergartener out the door with her lunch and homework we spent it as a family swimming, paddling and playing at one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. We prefer going to the beach during the week since its not as busy. Dad will occasionally go in on a weekend so he can go in later on a weekday. He spent Saturday afternoon at the lab and is now back at work while the girls and I enjoy some lunch. Now that she's sufficiently worn out we can start some homeschool work while we're all in a good mood!
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