This week science club met at Lanikai playground so I threw the double jogger in the back of the van in the hopes of getting a nap/jog in with the girls. Hannah just got new sneakers for running and scootering so I wasn't sure if she was going to run or ride. After the club and some discussion she decided she was worn out from all the playing and opted to ride. As a peacemaker I gave the girls my iphone to listen to some music as we headed around the loop and I tucked my ipod earphones in for some much needed musical motivation. About halfway around I noticed a lot of action from inside the stroller, hand and legs wiggling and much giggling. You have to remember Hannah's about 45 lbs, Ella 25 lbs and the stroller has got to be 10 lbs so when the 80 lbs starts swaying its not helpful to poor old Mom's form! So I pull out my earphones and hear, "All the single ladies, all the single ladies, all the single ladies! Now put your hands up!" And there are my girls hands up in the air singing away, dolly too! What a pair. They also like Gwen Stefani, Pink and Rhianna. 
"Just take the photo mom and give us back our iphone!!"
Its funny the music kids tune into despite the vast variety we expose them to. One day last week Hannah was having a tantrum/drama day. At one point she turned to us and said she had a song in her head, she took my iphone and started playing "Do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once? I am one of those melodramatic fools, neurotic to the bone no doubt about it". Now this girl has had more than her fair share of Laurie Berkner, Putumayo, Sharon, Lois & Bram, Tchaikovsky, Anne Murray, Mozart and Vivaldi but it is Green Day that she identifies with? Its going to be an interesting ride!
That's so funny. Moana throws her hands in the air when she hears the Single Ladies song too! Of course, I taught her that... ;)